Monday, April 26, 2010

Zac had to decide Sunday if he was going to hitch a ride into Idyllwild or take the trail up to the ridge in what could be a snow covered trail. He called before deciding and asked if I could check the internet to see what the weather is going to be for that area. The weather looked like it was going to be clear. Zac stayed on the trail and headed north. He asked if his gloves could be mailed to him by way of the Idyllwild Post office. He is hiking a trail that is between 8000 and 9000 feet in elevation. He is hiking alone right now hoping to catch up with a friend who is about a day ahead of him. He is sending more spots than he had been which makes his progress easier to track. He called around 10:00 pm, saying he thought he may have taken a wrong turn and was not exactly sure where he was. He was in snow and it was getting dark. His feet were wet and he was going to make camp. According to his last spot he was very close to Saddle Junction. This puts him about 178 miles into his hike. He has gone about 70 miles since leaving Warner springs. He might take a well deserved break and rest a day in Idyllwild.

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