Saturday, August 7, 2010

Zac has been away from phone service for the past five days. The GPS device seems to be working. I have been receiving more spots than I had been in the past few weeks. The last time I spoke with him he told me that he had packed enough food for seven days. He was doing fine. The last spot I got from him was (41.49689,-123.10515) He was near Kidder Creek. The elevation there is close to 6000 feet. The trial is heading westward before turning north again and into Oregon. I have been adding some videos to the blog. Some are scenic and some are informative and some are just plain gross. He said he wanted me to add the human element to the blog. Thanks for the comments some of you have been adding. He is glad to know that someone is following hs journey. He could not transfer any of his old numbers into his new phone so he is asking friends and family to please text him your name and number. His number is the same as it was. He is close to 1620 miles traveled.

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