Monday, August 16, 2010

Rim Roosting

Zac has reached mile marker 1835. Yesterday he payed 13 dollars for an all you can eat buffet for lunch. He picked up packages and mail at Mazama campground. He got packages from himself, from home, a letter from Monty and another from his Aunt Jo. That night he was invited to eat with a group of Indian families. His group was treated to some Indian cuisine and I am sure they all got their fill. The group hiked into the night for a few hours and camped. They got up and moving before dawn and made it to the rim of the crater to see the sunrise. I am sure video will be here soon. The last spot I received was (42.96181,-122.15724) The next few mail drops will be the following:

He will be in Big Lake Youth Camp around August 21st. the address is:

Zac Finley
PCT hiker northbound
c/o Big Lake Youth Camp
13100 Highway 20
Sisters, Oregon 97759

The next mail drop he will reach will be Cascade Locks around August 27th. The address is:

Zac Finley
PCT hiker Northbound
General Delivery
Cascades Locks, Oregon 97014


Tom M said...

that spot was right next to crater lake! hell of a good 'spot' to set up camp for the night, well done! hopefully you took out your camera a lot for that one. my vicarious living continues...

Golden Child said...

Hey man! I'll be behind you by two days... hope I'll be able to catch up I'm going to shoot for mid-30's. Cascade Locks by/before 8/28.

Getting back on at HWY 138, which you probably crossed this afternoon.

Hope your taking care!!
- Golden Child!

Anonymous said...

Zack, it was a pleasure meeting you, Sayo, Aya and Jim! We enjoyed your company over dinner and I wish I was walking in your shoes.



Anonymous said...


It was a pleasure meeting you all that other day. It was very inspiring talking to all of you. Keep it going.


Anonymous said...


It was a pleasure meeting you all that other day. It was very inspiring talking to all of you. Keep it going.
