I talked to Zac yesterday from the Whitehouse Landing Wilderness Camp. This is a small place where you can get a bite and a dry place to sleep. It was about a mile off the trail along side a lake. He had to sound an air horn at the dock and the owner came and picked him up in his boat and took him back across the lake to the lodge. There was no electricity there except in the kitchen. That was supplied by a wind turbine generator. It was a nice change considering the night before he was in a lean to playing host to a herd of mice that were after the food in his pack. He said that there were mice everywhere. He could hear and feel them dancing around on his sleeping bag in the pitch dark all through the night. Hard way to end a long day of walking in the rain with a swollen ankle and sore knees. The next day his ankle was hurting more and he was finding it harder than ever to walk the shortest of distances. This part of the trail is covered with large roots and deep ruts. Zac said it was like doing a tire drill in football practice only with smaller tires and deeper holes. He needs to average about 20 to 25 miles a day to beat the snows in the White Mountains and make it back to Georgia by Christmas. The pain he was having caused him to make a decision that he struggled with for days. Not being able to walk as far each day meant he was not going to make the miles he needed to beat the coming snows in New Hampshire. He told me that he was going to call it quits for now and try it again next year. He is catching a flight home tomorrow and will be arriving in Atlanta around 11:30 P.M. I could tell he was tearing up some when he was telling me he could not go on anymore. He said that he felt like he was letting everyone down and asked me to tell people following his blog that he was sorry. He was very depressed and feeling defeated. I told him that he has not let anyone down and he needs to concentrate on his great accomplishments. Hiking the PCT was a fantastic adventure and he took all of us along with him. I told him it was not a defeat, it was only a postponement. I think he understood what I was trying to tell him but he still feels awful about it. Thank you again for all of your support and letters. There are still videos to come as well and updates on Zac's plans.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
First night on the AT
I spoke with Zac this morning and he was on his second day on the AT. He had to reach the start of the trail on the top of Mt. Katahdin. This was approximately 5 miles from Baxter State Park. Then, he could start the journey south. He reached the top at 10:45. His goal was the get back down and out of Baxter Park before it got too dark. If he was unable to get out of the park it would cost 30 dollars to camp. He camped just on the outskirts of the park. Unfortunately, his head lamp batteries died and he had to set up his tent in the dark. He was too tired to eat much. He was able to stop a store today and pick up some new batteries and he will have some light tonight. Unlike the PCT, there are numerous lean to type shelters that will keep him from sleeping in the rain. He said he had passed by a few northbound through hikers that were almost through with their own trek. I am sure was remembering his own excitement when he was that close to the Canadian border. He said he had received some valuable information about trail conditions ahead. The trail has many roots and rock ledges to maneuver over and around. The going is slow. His foot was giving him some problems and he was not sure how far he was going to go today. He wanted to make it at least to the lean to shelter at Rainbow Springs. You can follow along if you go to postholer.com, click the AT and you can get an idea of where he is.
If you want to send him a note or package the nearest address is: (send by tomorrow to make sure it gets there on time)
Zac Finley AT hiker
c/o Shaws Lodging
P.O. Box 72
Monson, Maine 04464
If you want to send him a note or package the nearest address is: (send by tomorrow to make sure it gets there on time)
Zac Finley AT hiker
c/o Shaws Lodging
P.O. Box 72
Monson, Maine 04464
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Last night I arrived to the day's final destination after having being on the move for over 12 hours from Bozeman, Montana. The day's travels ended in Millinocket, Maine, a very small town with a friendly local community where everyone seems to know everyone.
I was unable to finish my previous post I started to write while I was in Bozeman, but it seemed be summed up quite well by my dad in the next post. I do want to personally thank David and Susan for their generosity and hospitality, as they invited yours truly, a complete stranger, wet and smelly, into their wonderful home overlooking Lake Washington and the downtown Seattle area. David, you are a courageous human being to be, and continue to strive for more accomplishments! Truly inspiring! Susan, you keep up your fantastic artwork, including baking those amazing blackberry pies. Delicious!
I also would like to thank Shea for treating me to a wonderful trail's end and birthday celebration at Chico Hot Springs, and for everything you have helped me with while transitioning from the PCT to the AT. The visit I had in Yellowstone couldn't have gone much better. I was able to see and catch up most of my friends I have made over the past seven years in the park while visiting the Old Faithful Inn and Lake Lodge. Unfortunately, I did miss one of my best friends, Julie. I only mention it, because I know she will be reading this soon. Sorry, Jules. Will call you soon!
A small propeller aircraft carried me and only about seven other passengers from Bozeman, Montana to Denver, Colorado. I only had about 5 minutes to run across the Denver airport to catch my next jumbo jet to LaGuardia airport in New York City. Flying into New York was exciting. I was able to catch airiel views of the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, and all the massive skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building. It was quite the change in scenery from having a bird's eye view of timber lined lakes and snow capped mountains. After a couple hours in New York, I was off in my smallest plane yet to Bangor, Maine. Before touching down there, I was able to enjoy an amazing sunset above the clouds from my seat. Once in Bangor, I had just enough time to buy a bus ticket for Medway, Maine and grab a chicken sandwich and jr. bacon cheeseburger from Wendys, my first meal of the day! Darkness had fully set in by the time I arrived in Medway and the owner of the Appalachian Trail Lodge was there to pick me up and drive me another 12 miles to Millenocket, Maine, the closest town to the AT's northern terminus. Surprisingly, I met my first two thru hikers that also had arranged for Paul to pick them up. Two of a Kind, a couple from Jacksonville Florida, were flipping forward from southern Maine to start the end of their northbound hike. They had started their trek from the AT's southern terminus in north Georgia, March 12th. The three of us grabbed a bite to eat at Paul's Appalachian Trail Lodge Cafe before finally settling down at the Lodge itself after a long day's worth of travels. At the lodge, other AT thru hikers that had just finished their trek from Georgia were celebrating. Trinket and Toothpick were among a couple of the hiker's present.
Today, I will take a day off! I woke up slow and late and enjoyed a giant breakfast at the local cafe. Hopefully after getting a few chores done, like getting food supplies, researching my next junt across Maine, and post office duties, I will relax, get some ice on my ankle, and wait for a decsion to come to whether or not I should stay another night in town before firing up the hiking engines again from Mount Katahdin. Until them, I will continue to discover the differences from being out west along the PCT and the older, more historic, sites along the Appalachian Trail. Without even looking around, it's easy to tell I am in a new world, New England, by listening to the chatter of voices amongst the local town people. Accents have changed dramatically! Buildings are smaller and older. Streets are narrower. More hardwood trees with leaves are begining to change into exploding organge, yellow and red blasts. I can hardly wait for my trekking adventure to continue southbond across this beautiful country I have already, and will continue to admire and love in slow motion. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Happy trails!
I was unable to finish my previous post I started to write while I was in Bozeman, but it seemed be summed up quite well by my dad in the next post. I do want to personally thank David and Susan for their generosity and hospitality, as they invited yours truly, a complete stranger, wet and smelly, into their wonderful home overlooking Lake Washington and the downtown Seattle area. David, you are a courageous human being to be, and continue to strive for more accomplishments! Truly inspiring! Susan, you keep up your fantastic artwork, including baking those amazing blackberry pies. Delicious!
I also would like to thank Shea for treating me to a wonderful trail's end and birthday celebration at Chico Hot Springs, and for everything you have helped me with while transitioning from the PCT to the AT. The visit I had in Yellowstone couldn't have gone much better. I was able to see and catch up most of my friends I have made over the past seven years in the park while visiting the Old Faithful Inn and Lake Lodge. Unfortunately, I did miss one of my best friends, Julie. I only mention it, because I know she will be reading this soon. Sorry, Jules. Will call you soon!
A small propeller aircraft carried me and only about seven other passengers from Bozeman, Montana to Denver, Colorado. I only had about 5 minutes to run across the Denver airport to catch my next jumbo jet to LaGuardia airport in New York City. Flying into New York was exciting. I was able to catch airiel views of the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, and all the massive skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building. It was quite the change in scenery from having a bird's eye view of timber lined lakes and snow capped mountains. After a couple hours in New York, I was off in my smallest plane yet to Bangor, Maine. Before touching down there, I was able to enjoy an amazing sunset above the clouds from my seat. Once in Bangor, I had just enough time to buy a bus ticket for Medway, Maine and grab a chicken sandwich and jr. bacon cheeseburger from Wendys, my first meal of the day! Darkness had fully set in by the time I arrived in Medway and the owner of the Appalachian Trail Lodge was there to pick me up and drive me another 12 miles to Millenocket, Maine, the closest town to the AT's northern terminus. Surprisingly, I met my first two thru hikers that also had arranged for Paul to pick them up. Two of a Kind, a couple from Jacksonville Florida, were flipping forward from southern Maine to start the end of their northbound hike. They had started their trek from the AT's southern terminus in north Georgia, March 12th. The three of us grabbed a bite to eat at Paul's Appalachian Trail Lodge Cafe before finally settling down at the Lodge itself after a long day's worth of travels. At the lodge, other AT thru hikers that had just finished their trek from Georgia were celebrating. Trinket and Toothpick were among a couple of the hiker's present.
Today, I will take a day off! I woke up slow and late and enjoyed a giant breakfast at the local cafe. Hopefully after getting a few chores done, like getting food supplies, researching my next junt across Maine, and post office duties, I will relax, get some ice on my ankle, and wait for a decsion to come to whether or not I should stay another night in town before firing up the hiking engines again from Mount Katahdin. Until them, I will continue to discover the differences from being out west along the PCT and the older, more historic, sites along the Appalachian Trail. Without even looking around, it's easy to tell I am in a new world, New England, by listening to the chatter of voices amongst the local town people. Accents have changed dramatically! Buildings are smaller and older. Streets are narrower. More hardwood trees with leaves are begining to change into exploding organge, yellow and red blasts. I can hardly wait for my trekking adventure to continue southbond across this beautiful country I have already, and will continue to admire and love in slow motion. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Happy trails!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Getting from point A to point B was a real journey in itself. Point A being Manning Park Canada and point B being Katahdin Mountain, Maine. Saturday morning around 11a.m. Zac left Manning Park by bus to Vancouver Canada. He took another bus back to the states arriving in Seattle around 10:30 p.m. He had almost 24 hours before he was to catch his flight to Bozeman the next day. He had to walk about ten blocks in the rain from the bus station to the A line metro station that would take him the the airport. While on the train trying to dry out a couple from the Seattle area began talking to him and he told them about his journey. He told them he was going to sleep in the airport that night. They would not have it. These people insisted that he come home with them and get a good hot meal and spend the night in a warm bed. Zac could not talk them out of it and next thing he knew he was in his own room with his own bathroom. The couple were Susan and David and they treated him to what ever he needed. A trip to the post office and the library. He thanked them and took the A line to the airport. He flew to Bozeman Montana where he was picked up by Shea, a very close friend from Yellowstone. She treated him to a day at the spa for his birthday. I'm sure his body had an overhaul there. He spent a few days in Yellowstone relaxing before heading back to Bozeman. In Bozeman he went to see a doctor about his ankles and feet. The doctor told him that nothing appeared to be broken and he should try to take it easy and buy some insoles for his shoes to ease the pressure on his feet when he walks. He flew out of Bozeman at 6:00 a.m this morning with a stop in Denver and New York before landing in Bangor Maine tonight around 6:20 pm. He was able to catch the only bus going to Medway that day. The shuttle from the Appalachain Lodge met him there and took him to the lodge where he will be staying. After a night or two there, getting prepared, he will be shuttled to the trail head and the beginning of a a new adventure. I will keep you posted throughout the trail south. In the mean time I will post some of the last videos received from the PCT.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Heading East
I've finally got some time to put a bit more time into a post, being in the familiar Holiday Inn in Bozeman, Montana. I've got much to share from the last moments on the PCT to celebrating my 25th birthday in my old backyard, Yellowstone National Park.
It was exactly 5:45 pm pacific standard time on September 16th, 2010 when I completed my walk to Canada from Mexico on the Pacific Crest Trail. A few hours before crossing the border I remember very well, standing atop an unnamed summit, 7126 feet above the sea. I stood there alone with aching ankles and sore shoulders gazing down on the surrounding stunning Washington landscape. Rugged mountains, some with glaciers slowing gauging deep ravines into their bellies, in all directions. The mountains that would usually lay in front of me to the north while standing atop a mountain resembled the next few days' challenges. Not on this day. The mountains north of me that Friday were ones I would not traverse. They towered over land beyond trail's end in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. Stepping off that summit onto the rocky trail is when my emotions began to fly in every direction like the views that surrounded me. I knew it would be my last mountain top on the PCT. I realized I really was, "almost there" this time. Only eight more miles of downhill to the Canadian border.
Before I knew it, I could hear the booming voice of Baby Steps, chatter of Fox Trot and pure joy of Flash Back trickling through the trees from below three switchbacks in the trail. I let out a loud "YEEEEEEEEHAW!!" It was of course returned with more hootin-n-hollern as they waited for me on the United States-Canada border. I made sure to wipe the remaining tears of joy off my smiling cheeks before arriving at the bottom of the hill and in the arms of Baby Steps with a celebrating hug. There are too many, and not enough words to fill in the blank of how I felt to be finished. Pure joy! Proud, relieved, and completed are a few others. A monument, very similar to the one at the Mexican border, where I started 5 months and 3 days prior, stands on the Canadian border in the middle of a long clear cut, that is the international boundary in a thick forest. The only difference, one of the wooden tiers reads: Pacific Crest Trail Northern Terminus. The rain started to fall from the heavens no more than ten minutes after my arrival. So the four of us took the classic pictures of celebrating by the monument, quickly gathered our trash of Snicker bar, Hostess cherry pie, and Slim Jim wrappers and emptied and dried celebratory beer cans into our packs and decided to push on to the real trail's end, eight more miles into Canada's Manning Provincial Park, where we'd get to the closest road into civilization. Flashback, Fox Trot, and Baby Steps are much faster hikers, and I knew this meant I'd get to the lodge in Manning well after them, and all of us would not finish there before the skies turned black and filled with more rain. It didn't matter though, because we would be DONE!
It was exactly 5:45 pm pacific standard time on September 16th, 2010 when I completed my walk to Canada from Mexico on the Pacific Crest Trail. A few hours before crossing the border I remember very well, standing atop an unnamed summit, 7126 feet above the sea. I stood there alone with aching ankles and sore shoulders gazing down on the surrounding stunning Washington landscape. Rugged mountains, some with glaciers slowing gauging deep ravines into their bellies, in all directions. The mountains that would usually lay in front of me to the north while standing atop a mountain resembled the next few days' challenges. Not on this day. The mountains north of me that Friday were ones I would not traverse. They towered over land beyond trail's end in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. Stepping off that summit onto the rocky trail is when my emotions began to fly in every direction like the views that surrounded me. I knew it would be my last mountain top on the PCT. I realized I really was, "almost there" this time. Only eight more miles of downhill to the Canadian border.
Before I knew it, I could hear the booming voice of Baby Steps, chatter of Fox Trot and pure joy of Flash Back trickling through the trees from below three switchbacks in the trail. I let out a loud "YEEEEEEEEHAW!!" It was of course returned with more hootin-n-hollern as they waited for me on the United States-Canada border. I made sure to wipe the remaining tears of joy off my smiling cheeks before arriving at the bottom of the hill and in the arms of Baby Steps with a celebrating hug. There are too many, and not enough words to fill in the blank of how I felt to be finished. Pure joy! Proud, relieved, and completed are a few others. A monument, very similar to the one at the Mexican border, where I started 5 months and 3 days prior, stands on the Canadian border in the middle of a long clear cut, that is the international boundary in a thick forest. The only difference, one of the wooden tiers reads: Pacific Crest Trail Northern Terminus. The rain started to fall from the heavens no more than ten minutes after my arrival. So the four of us took the classic pictures of celebrating by the monument, quickly gathered our trash of Snicker bar, Hostess cherry pie, and Slim Jim wrappers and emptied and dried celebratory beer cans into our packs and decided to push on to the real trail's end, eight more miles into Canada's Manning Provincial Park, where we'd get to the closest road into civilization. Flashback, Fox Trot, and Baby Steps are much faster hikers, and I knew this meant I'd get to the lodge in Manning well after them, and all of us would not finish there before the skies turned black and filled with more rain. It didn't matter though, because we would be DONE!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Could it be Bigfoot?
Early one morning deep in the Washington wilderness Zac heard a sound...........
Goat Rock Pass
This is an example of some of the conditions that Zac had to endure. If I know Zac, he loved every second of it.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Canadian border!
This evening around 9:00 I received a spot from Zac showing he was about 200 feet from the border. Then, about 10 minutes later, I got another one that put him around 25 feet across into the Canadian wilderness. (49.00042,-120.80167) I have not spoken to him in a few days so I am not aware who he crossed with. I know he wanted to cross the border with so many of his friends he had met along the way. There are so many great people who endured the same hardships and joys. He received so much encouragement from people all over the country. Each one holds a special place in his heart and I am sure he wished that everyone could have stepped over the border with him. He started his journey back in April with so many hopes and prayers to go with him every step of the way. Thank you all for your support. Keep it coming. I can only imagine that when he did step into Canada he had each of you in the back of his mind, taking us with him to the end of this half of his journey. He carried us all in his heart. Good job Slim Jim!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Trail days celebration
Zac had some down time while crossing into Washington at the Trail Days celebration. There were vendors and get togethers with other hikers past and present. To find out more about this check into the blog written on August 27th.
Bridge Of The Gods
Zac and company had to cross the Bridge of the Gods to cross into Washington. This was a big day and they all seemed to enjoy it.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I smell bacon!!!!!!!
Zac camped last night along side Coon Lake. The elevation there was a low 2180 feet. The temperature was in the mid fifties and the weather was dry. This morning he had gone ten miles by 10:00 and was making good time. He crossed McGregor Creek, Buzzard Creek, Canim Creek, Cross Berry Creek, Bridge Creek and Maple Creek in that ten mile stretch. This afternoon he crossed over Porcupine Creek and into Cutthroat Pass. By the looks of his last few spots, it appears that he is trying to make it to a large campground 3 miles past Granite Pass. This is going to be an increase in elevation of almost 5000 feet. Last I heard from him he said his ankles were swollen some making it a little tender to walk. The distance between him and the border is in the double digits now. He is only 63 miles from being able to witness Canadian Geese and Canadian bacon in their natural habitat.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The past four days Zac has been hiking through some of the wettest trail he has seen so far. It has rained every day it seems and all of his gear is wet. He has been walking through muddy trail and eating his meals in the dripping rain. At night he sleeps, or tries to sleep, in a damp sleeping bag that just wont dry out. The temperatures are getting colder too. On top of that his left achilles tendon has flared up. It is swollen and painful to walk on. To compensate for the pain in his left foot he has had to put more pressure on his right foot. This is causing some pain in his right foot. Oh yeah, by the way, he got stung about four or five times on his right foot by some yellow jackets. But, he loves what he is doing and still manages to hike the 30 mile days getting closer to the Canadian border with every step. Tonight he is resting in a dry bunk in the Cascadian Inn in the town Skykomish Washington. He says the landscape is beautiful even in the bad weather. He is excited that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel and finishing the PCT. He will start in the morning at 7 A.M. on the trail head. 2,480 miles away from his start at the Mexican border. Side note: The weather in Baxter State Park in Maine is nice and dry and the temperatures are in the 70's.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
This is a video Zac sent me that he shot during a stay alongside a lake somewhere. You have to watch it closely. It is a very reflective scene.
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Its been another wild and soggy journey through Washington state to my next resupply point at Snoqualmie Pass.The PCT crosses under Interstate 90 at Snoqualmie Pass, and is just under an hours drive from the Seattle suburb of Bellevue, Washington. Linda and her daughter Cathy, both of which I met last Thanksgiving while roadtrippin cross country, live in Bellevue, and also, been following my trek from Mexico. Linda met me today at the interstate with snacks and drinks and a ride to her place for an overnight visit. Boat and Golden Child tagged along as well after having walked past my camp last night and on to Snoqualmie overnight. They're insane! That made for 58 miles in 24 hours that I was happy to decline their offer to join in on. The two of them, are now sleeping in Linda's basement, after having showers, soaking in a jet bubble bath tub, drying gear out on the deck and ejoying an amazing homecooked meal. Linda had planned for some dirty stinky hiker trash to come into her clean house, so she had towels for showers ready, laudry ready to go and even blue booties to wear over our nasty feet in her house before we could get cleaned up. The meal included Linda's famous beef stew with biscuits and fresh salad, plus a surprise for dessert: a chocolate cake in honor of my upcoming birthday in two weeks! Thanks so much Linda and Cathy for spoiling me before returning to the wet trail tomorrow afternoon. 263 more miles to trail's end at Manning Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada. Included above are pictures of my birthday cake, Boat, Golden Child, Linda and myself and us hikers in our blue booties. Happy Trails
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Mile 2,346 and going strong
It looks like Zac camped last night (Friday) at a place called Martinson Gap. His last spot was (46.89386,-121.50284) From Snow Lake, where he camped the night before to his camp last night, he had travled 34 miles. He is moving through the Snoqualmie National Forest. During his trek yesterday he crossed Pothole trail, Laughingwater trail, American trail, Dewy lake trail and the Bullion Basin trail. He went over Sourdough Gap, Blue Bell Pass, Scout Pass, Barnard Saddle and Hayden Pass. He also saw Snow Lake, the Bumping River, Anderson Lake, Dewy Lake, and Sheep Lake. His goal is to make it to Hwy I-90, (another 50 miles) by Sunday. There, he has plans to meet with his friend Linda, the Thanksgiving mom, and her family. She plans to give Zac and whoever is in his party a ride back to her house for a good meal and some rest before the final push to the Canadian border. The weather, according to my research has been and should continue to be dry and calm. The elevation is in the 5000 ft. range and getting lower. He is having the time of his life.......so far.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Just Margieilous!
Since leaving Cascade Locks, it has rained everyday. The day before yesterday it rained the entire day leaving everything a soggy mess. Zac said the trail was a continuous running creek. The tent and sleeping bag were soaked and there seemed to be little refuge from the cold dampness. This did not slow down his progress. He managed to make 30 miles or more each of the days and was well into Washington by Wednesday. No spot had been received for about five hours as of late Wednesday night. He had mail to be picked up at a general store near White pass. The store said that he had not been by there yet. Margie, a friend he had met while working at Old Faithful driving a snow coach, has been following his blog. She lived only an hour away from White Pass and wanted to meet him there and feed him a good meal. She called a few times to check on his location so the meeting would go as planned. There was no real information to share with her since I had not received a spot for quite some time. She drove up there anyway and was going to wait in her car to see if she could spot him. Knowing that Zac had not picked up his mail we knew he had not been by the pass already. It was getting late and Marge was still waiting. She was by herself and it was getting dark. A hiker came by but it was not Zac. It was Drug Store, a PCT hiker who had met Zac and told her that Slim Jim was behind him some six miles. There was no way of telling if he was going to camp back there or try to make it to the store. He has been known to night hike. Margie fed Drug Store some goodies she had brought and the two waited a little longer. The night had come and Margie was getting ready to pack it in and head back home. Then, through the darkness she spotted a light, a head lamp. It was our hero, Boat and Golden Child coming down the trail. Margie fed them and offered them a ride to town to do laundry and dry out. By the time they got to town everything was closed. So what does she do? She takes them an hour away to her home and gives them a place to stay for the night. This could be where trail angels are born. This morning the group got a ride back to the tail head and the the store where Zac could get his mail. Thank you Margie for everything. Your persistence and patience have brightened up and dried out some soggy souls. You have earned your wings!
Again, not much time to write much here this morning....
Been a rough go of it from Cascade Locks and the first 100+ miles in Washington with lots of rain. Tuesday I walked in rain all day with the trail being more like a trench of puddles ankle high in some areas. With all the rain, there wasn't a lot to see walking in the clouds. Tuesday night I crawled into a wet sleeping bag after stripping out of my wet clothes into a wet tent while the rain continued to fall. Needless to say the morning was not fun as temps dropped and the rain continued. But, with not much else to do but just keep walking, I did so over the Goat Rocks Wilderness into the clouds over a sketchy knife edge ridge. By early afternoon the clouds started to break up and the rain finally seized. This opened the skies up to some amazing views that gave me the impression I wasn't in the states anymore. It was what I imagine trekking through Scotland would look like. Very green open mountains with waterfalls abound. I had Celtic music blasting in my head all afternoon as I climbed through the beautiful mountains.
Still with wet gear in my pack I was dreading sleeping out again, so I decided to push on for a long 29 mile day to White Pass. I arrived at the road just as darkness was setting in to find a women calling my name. It was Margie Van Cleve! I had given her and her husband a tour last winter in my snowcoach through Yellowstone National Park. She has been following my progress from the Mexican border had been in contact with my mom through email the past few days trying to figure out when I'd be at the road. Dave and Margie live in Yakima, Washington about an hours drive from the trail. She waited over three hours at White Pass for my arrival, to bring myself, Boat, Golden Child and Drug Store to her home for a warm meal, laundry, showers, and cozy sleeping arrangements. What an amazing surprise! Thank you Margie!
With dry everything, its back to the trail this morning after a few burritos. Weather seems to be changing for the better. Can't wait for more Washington! The race is on for the border! Happy Trails!
Been a rough go of it from Cascade Locks and the first 100+ miles in Washington with lots of rain. Tuesday I walked in rain all day with the trail being more like a trench of puddles ankle high in some areas. With all the rain, there wasn't a lot to see walking in the clouds. Tuesday night I crawled into a wet sleeping bag after stripping out of my wet clothes into a wet tent while the rain continued to fall. Needless to say the morning was not fun as temps dropped and the rain continued. But, with not much else to do but just keep walking, I did so over the Goat Rocks Wilderness into the clouds over a sketchy knife edge ridge. By early afternoon the clouds started to break up and the rain finally seized. This opened the skies up to some amazing views that gave me the impression I wasn't in the states anymore. It was what I imagine trekking through Scotland would look like. Very green open mountains with waterfalls abound. I had Celtic music blasting in my head all afternoon as I climbed through the beautiful mountains.
Still with wet gear in my pack I was dreading sleeping out again, so I decided to push on for a long 29 mile day to White Pass. I arrived at the road just as darkness was setting in to find a women calling my name. It was Margie Van Cleve! I had given her and her husband a tour last winter in my snowcoach through Yellowstone National Park. She has been following my progress from the Mexican border had been in contact with my mom through email the past few days trying to figure out when I'd be at the road. Dave and Margie live in Yakima, Washington about an hours drive from the trail. She waited over three hours at White Pass for my arrival, to bring myself, Boat, Golden Child and Drug Store to her home for a warm meal, laundry, showers, and cozy sleeping arrangements. What an amazing surprise! Thank you Margie!
With dry everything, its back to the trail this morning after a few burritos. Weather seems to be changing for the better. Can't wait for more Washington! The race is on for the border! Happy Trails!
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